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    ?TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED Participated In The Egyptian Coatings Show 2019

    2021-05-22     瀏覽次數:2106    

    TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED participated in the Egyptian Coatings Show 2019 from September 23th?to 24th, 2019. The venue was chosen to be in Cairo, Egypt. The exhibition is organized by DMG Events (MEA) Ltd.,?a well-known British media and exhibition company, and is held every two years. It is currently the leading professional coating exhibition in the Middle East and the Gulf region.


    Exhibition content: coatings and various raw materials, dyes, pigments, adhesives, inks, additives, fillers, polymers, resins, solvents, paraffins, testing instruments, coatings and coating equipment, etc.


    TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN)?participated in this exhibition, with good results and dozens of potential customers. It successfully entered the Egyptian market and seized the rapid development opportunities in many emerging markets such as West Asia, North Asia and Southeast Europe. The specific information of this exhibition is as follows:


    Exhibition name: Egyptian Coatings Show 2019

    Exhibition time: September 23-24, 2019

    Exhibition location: Cairo, Egypt

    Booth type: standard booth, corner booth;

    Booth No.: D08

    Booth area: 9 square meters

    主站蜘蛛池模板: 亚洲国产成人久久一区二区三区| 边摸边吃奶边做爽免费视频99| 精品无码成人片一区二区98| 天天干天天干天天天天天天爽| 国产特级毛片aaaaaa高清| 国产亚洲美女精品久久久久| 一级性生活免费| 欧美成人天天综合在线视色| 国产乱在线观看视频| 99在线观看国产| 日韩人妻无码一区二区三区久久| 免费黄色录像片| 窝窝午夜看片国产精品人体宴| 无码av天天av天天爽| 亚洲熟妇av一区二区三区下载| 高清破外女出血视频| 天天躁日日躁aaaaxxxx| 九九热中文字幕| 看AV免费毛片手机播放| 国产欧美一区二区三区在线看 | 亚洲另类自拍丝袜第五页| 蜜桃97爱成人| 国产视频中文字幕| 久久久999久久久精品| 正能量www正能量免费网站 | 国产成人亚洲精品电影| xxxxx.av| 日韩精品内射视频免费观看 | 免费jizz在线播放视频高清版| 成人免费观看一区二区| 天天干天天在线| 一本色道久久综合亚洲精品高清| 日韩视频在线观看| 人与禽交zozo| 蜜桃精品免费久久久久影院 | 欧美午夜精品久久久久免费视| 同学的嫩苞13p| 欧美另类xxxx图片| 天堂网www在线观看| 一二三四视频社区在线| 日韩AV无码久久一区二区|