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    TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED Took Part in ECS 2019 Exhibitions

    2021-05-22     瀏覽次數(shù):2127    


    The European Coatings Exhibition (ECS 2019) was held in Nuremberg, Germany from March 19-21, 2019. The exhibition is held every two years and is co-sponsored by the German Nuremberg International Expo Group and the coating industry media Vincentz. Since it was first held in 1991, it has been successfully held for 14 sessions and has now developed into the world's largest professional exhibition in the coating industry. meeting.

    TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED took part in the Exhibitions this time,?and was very satisfied with the effect of this exhibition. Most of the audience were?the decision makers of the company's procurement. This means that for exhibitors, participating in the European Coatings Show is the best way to deal with decision makers from companies in various countries. Visitors at the exhibition covered many fields such as coatings, inks, adhesives, construction chemicals and downstream application industries. The specific matters of the exhibition are as follows:


    Exhibition name: European Coatings Exhibition (ECS 2019)

    Time: March 19-21, 2019

    Location: Germany-Nuremberg

    Booth No.: 4-113e,

    Booth type: standard booth with an area of 9 m2,

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