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    Powder dispersant 781

    2021-05-04     瀏覽次數:994    


    781 is a dispersant for powder coatings, which is a deflocculated low molecular weight polymer. There are many spaces in the molecule close to the pro-pigment and some resin-like segment structures. Adding to the powder formulation and extruding together can improve the wettability of the pigment and the resin, improve the gloss and adhesion, and improve the leveling performance of the surface. Or reduce the amount of pigment to prevent the appearance of floating. It can also improve the hiding power or the thin coating without leaking the bottom. Compared with simply increasing the amount of resin to improve the gloss of the coating film, it has a great cost advantage.




    White fluid fine powder

    Melting point


    Specific gravity


    Water content



    Application method

    Add 0.2-0.5% of the total amount to the powder ingredients to participate in the extrusion. Generally, the effect of the cyclized high gloss powder is very good.


    Packaging?& Storage

    1.?Polyethylene lined paper bag packaging, 25KG / bag.

    2.?Stored in a cool dry place, valid for 12 months at room temperature. Close immediately after use, away from fire.

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